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About Us

Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats is the first Cat Café to reside in Alliance, Ohio.


MDCC is a unique Pet Boutique and Café which features a

bamboo zen room, jungle themed playroom, and enclosed outdoor patio where visitors can play and lounge with our resident cats.


At Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats, we believe in providing a

unique and rewarding experience for our visitors

while supporting and reinvesting into our community.

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate the public about unique breeds of cats

while providing a safe and fun environment for people of all ages

to come play, experience, and learn.

Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats is Stark County's first cat café,

located in Historic Downtown Alliance’s

growing tourist destination on Main Street.

The first cat cafés originated in Asia with the intent

to allow guests of the café to watch or interact

with their ‘house cats’ while enjoying their coffee or pastry.


In the United States, cat cafés use their platform to

educate the public about growing feral cat populations

and how they can support local spay and neuter programs.


Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats is focused on

educating our visitors about unique breeds of cats.

Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats oCatio is also graced by

the colorful art installation  "Cats of the World" by David Mcdowell our resident artist who has transformed our space into an immersive enriching visual experience. 

Weekly Wellness Events

As a non-profit organization, Mad Dogs and Crazy Cats

will provide self-serve drinks and snacks,

available for donations.


We will also host a variety of community wellness programs,

including Meditation with Cats, Yoga with Cats,

cat-themed Oracle or Tarot Card Readings.

Revitalizing Downtown Alliance

Crazy Cat Cafe is part of the Heritage Ohio program

revitalizing Historic Downtown Alliance where Sherry Groom

and her team of creative entrepreneurs and artists

are using art as a tool to save the historic buildings

on Main Street from decay and neglect

while stimulating our local economy

and revitalizing our beautiful neighborhood.

How to Support Our Mission

Here's how you can help us to

continue caring for the cats of our neighborhood!

- Donate to the café  or in person.

- Buy a gift card for a future visit.

- Treat yourself to our pet-themed merchandise.

- Write us a nice review on Google or Facebook.

- Volunteer to do part-time work at the Café.

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Hours of Operation

Closed Monday

Call to Book Tuesday - Thursday

Open Friday-Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm

40 N Arch Avenue

Alliance, Ohio 44601

Call us at (330)929-1071

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